Mac HDD Data Recovery

The reason of Mac having great stability is that the whole configurations of Mac, from operating system to hardware and software, are developed by Apple Inc. exclusively. Compared with the PC that major software and hardware support, absolutely Mac has better stability. As a result of such great stability, Mac users seldom encounter data loss caused by unstable system. Thus the amount of HDD data recovery work is reduced.

However, with the change of Apple Inc. market strategy, recently Mac has become to support part of PC hardware. That leads to the fact that more and more common PC users (here means non-Mac computers) try to install Mac OS on common PCs. Therefore, the stability of Mac decreases. It is said that common PCs with Mac OS are more likely to encounter stability problems than original Mac. That is because PC hardware is not so perfectly compatible with Mac OS, especially the driver. Most users take the decrease of stability as expected, and it is within their bearing. Compared with Windows, PCs with Mac OS still have higher stability. Even if there is some data loss caused by unstable system, as long as HDD data recovery work is well done, it will be no big deal. How could we do perfect HDD data recovery work then?

To recover lost data caused by unstable Mac system, you need to equip your computer with a HDD data recovery software. In daily use of computer, most users choose to use HDD data recovery software to recover accidentally deleted data as well as data loss caused by decrease of stability. Once the OS becomes unstable, various problems will emerge in your computer. Most of the problems are caused by data loss, for instance, system files loss, disk partition damage/loss, applications being unable to operate normally. The best and simplest way to solve all these problems is to recover lost data with professional HDD data recovery software. For Windows users, the choices of HDD data recovery software are rich. But for Mac users, there are not so many choices. Here, I recommend a professional HDD data recovery software specially for Mac users, namely MiniTool Mac Data Recovery. It saves much time for you to recover lost data. MiniTool Mac Data Recovery is a kind of multi-functional HDD data recovery software. The following is a presentation of using MiniTool Mac Data Recovery to recover lost data from damaged partition.

In the main interface, select “Damaged Partition Recovery” functional module.

In the partition list, select the damaged partition, and then click “Full Scan” button to scan the partition completely.

In this interface, select the partition that has the highest suggested point, and then click “Show Files” button to scan this partition.

Select the data needing to be recovered, and then click “Save Files” button to save the data to specific location. Now the recovery work is done.